One of the things I love about living in Summit County are the cool mountain nights. The soft breeze blowing through the Aspen trees, the chilly night air seeping in through the open windows; it is, in a word, magnificent. And, as a bonus, it means that I can enjoy a piping hot cup of tea without breaking a sweat- the way I would if I were in Tejas right now. 

So, you might think that since I have such an affinity for a nightly cup of tea, it would follow that I would own a fantastic tea pot. WRONG! For the last year, I have been heating up water in our little mini saucepan and then (precariously) pouring it into awaiting mugs.  This process often ends with scalding myself, the counter, or in some extreme cases Pepper, with boiling hot water. When Michael does it, it almost always ends in water boiling over the top of the pot and then making a crazy sizzling sound as it hits the hot stove top. 

I honestly don't know why it has taken me such a long time to come to the conclusion that I should purchase a tea kettle. But two weeks ago something came over me and I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to find one. I got there and realized that a) there are about a billion choices and b) the cute ones are REALLY expensive. So expensive, that I left BBB empty handed...

And came home and made a (sauce)pot of tea...

And almost suffered second degree burns.

So the other night, Michael and I went to Target. And he made me get a teapot. And my life has been better ever since. 

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