While the title of this blog might make it seem like I just up and decided on a change, that is not entirely the case. This morning I logged onto my blog only to be informed that the entire background had been deleted! Are you kidding me? Who deleted it?!? Did it just evaporate into cyberspace? Are there little hacking elves that live in our crawl space that come out at night to sabotage my "cutest blog on the block"? Probably not. But something happened, and I can only imagine that it had something to do with the website change over from whence I downloaded my background. 

Hence, the new format. Some of you might not even notice it, but it has changed. Alas. New fonts, new font colors, and a new background. Oh well, I think I like it, and I'm starting to feel at home here in the blue tones of my new Georgia fonts. I hope you find it pleasant and soothing as well. 

In other news: keep your eyes peeled for an update from Michael soon. I think I've officially drawn him into the blogging world. We'll see :) 

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