Over a week of eating clean and I am still loving it. This week we transitioned out of the detox phase into the maintenance phase. Last night, Michael and I went to the grocery store on an exploratory mission to determine which of our favorite "healthy foods" would be allowed- side note: grocery shopping is one of our favorite activities to do together. 

Breakfast is one of the hardest meals to avoid sugar, so we started there. One of our favorite morning meals is granola, yogurt, berries, and a glass of OJ. After checking out labels, wandering up and down numerous aisles, and fielding many "what are those health nuts doing?" stares, we determined that in one sitting we regularly consume upwards of 80 grams of sugar PER BREAKFAST!! WHOA! GROSS! And here we were thinking we were eating healthily. 

So we tweaked our breakfast plan a little and selected some lighter fair. We looked at labels before purchasing granola and yogurt, focusing on minimizing sugar content; decided to skip the juice for now; and inserted eggs as our source of protein. We also decided to actually measure out a serving of granola before chowing down- what a novel idea. 

Dr. Oz, who I love, recommends no more than 4 grams of sugar per serving in anything that you eat, which can be pretty hard to come by, but is definitely worth trying. 

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